In This Section

What is the stock symbol for XPLR Infrastructure, LP (XPLR Infrastructure)?

The stock symbol is XIFR starting on Feb 3, 2025, and the company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Previous to Feb 3, 2025, the ticker was NEP.

Who is XPLR Infrastructure's transfer agent and what is their contact information?

Computershare is the transfer agent for XPLR Infrastructure, LP

Contact Us
Phone 1-877-373-6374
Mailing Address XPLR Infrastructure, LP
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006
Delivery address Computershare
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021

Does XPLR Infrastructure have a direct unit purchase plan?

No, XPLR Infrastructure does not offer units directly.

Does XPLR Infrastructure have a dividend reinvestment program?

No, XPLR Infrastructure currently does not have a dividend reinvestment program.

How can I purchase common units in XPLR Infrastructure?

Units of XPLR Infrastructure can be purchased through a broker.

What tax form should I expect to receive if I receive distributions?

The following is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as offering tax advice; consult your tax advisor for more information.

Investors in XPLR Infrastructure's units should expect to receive a Form 1099-DIV.

Even though we are organized as a limited partnership under state law, we will be treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes.

I haven't received or I have lost my distribution check. Can I get a replacement?

If you have not received your distribution check within 10 business days of the payment date, have misplaced the check or believe it was lost in the mail, call 1-877-373-6374 and request a replacement. A stop payment will be placed on the lost check and a replacement will be sent to you.

Cash distributions may be deposited directly to personal accounts at financial institutions on the dividend payment date. Direct deposit expedites payments and eliminates lost checks. Call 1-877-373-6374 for an authorization form.

How can I get a copy of XPLR Infrastructure's most recent SEC filings?

Please visit our SEC Filings page to download recent filings.

How do I contact XPLR Infrastructure Investor Relations?

You may contact XPLR Infrastructure Investor Relations at [email protected] or by calling 561-694-4697.